What’s happening today?

What’s happening today?

This week has gone by far too fast, but its business as usual here at the hall!

The diggers are still here preparing and flattening the land ready for it to be at some point grassed. Its a lengthy process especially working on something as vast as our project, but i’m sure you are noticing the weekly changes. The lily pond is also coming on and has now been fully drained. Photos of that coming soon…

What will be the rose garden is now slightly more defined with the rotting U trees removed and the slopes leveling out. The photo underneath is what the garden looks like now, but below that, is a photo we were given by previous teacher Mr Bowes. This is a wonderful picture as it gives us a great idea of what we should be aiming for. We had no idea that there was a huge plant pot structure in the middle of the rose bed, although now we have an image to work from to try and replicate. The climbing roses also look beautiful, would be amazing if we could recreate this.





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